About Rise to Fall
Defying the Gods Review ![]() I've always been a huge fan of modern metal music. But these days, it's hard to find bands, that sounds really good, good to (almost) perfection.First and mostly because of the huge technology improvements in computer-based recordings, where it is possible to make a record without a single instrument, just with mouse clicking. Of course, you need to have sufficient programming skills, but that is not such a big problem anymore, i guess. :) Second, it's because of the internet pirate activities, which makes at least 90% of all the VST's accesable to the potentional user. And those two things can make anyone of us "studio engineer". That's why today's market is flooded with zillions of newcomer bands, who have been recorded their albums at home. Not that this is neccessarily bad, but in most cases it is. Big way. And because of those facts, I've been really impressed with this band, Rise To Fall, and their second album, entitled DEFYING THE GODS. To be honest, I don't recall exactly, how did I come along with their music. Most likely, when I was browsing on YouTube. They had me since first couple seconds of "DECODING REALITY". Ok, let's get going. :) To me, these Spanish acts RISE TO FALL were something new. Most ppl are comparing them with Sweeds IN FLAMES and I admit, that this comparison triggered my attention, because I've been big IF fan from Colony-Clayman era. Listen, I gotta say this: RTF may sound similar to IF, but there's one thing I noticed right away. Dalay (RTF) can sing waaaaaaaaay better than Anders (IF). It's not just studio recordings. I checked RTF's live clips on YouTube right away. You might have thoughts about that, but admit it, Anders did always hide his live clean vocal performances behind the sampled overdubs and pyro. Period. Been on couple IF shows and it was always the same story. :) OK, enough of chit-chat. Let's break this album down for a review. :) The opening "ASCEND TO THE THRONE" is really a warm introduction to the album. Nice groovy intro, followed by great up-tempo verse. Yummy. :) RTF's choruses are just spot-on. I almost got diabetes. :) Nice clean vocals, fitting into songs are just like cherry on the top of the cake. At this point, I would like to expose ALESSIO NEROARGENTO, who was in charge for RTF's electronic samples on "DEFYING THE GODS". Outstanding job, man. Songs, which stood out for me, were also "WHISPERS OF HOPE" and previously mentioned "DECODING REALITY" (great intro, nice groove, guitar harmonies - it just makes my bald head bang as f*** everytime I hear it :) ). Kudos to Hugo, lead guitar player, for whom I believe is in charge for those guitar harmonies. I apologise to the guys if I'm wrong. I would like to give some words on the rhythm section. Txamo on drums is solid as hell, great drum grooves and patterns, especially skank grooves. It's nice to hear skanks with 2 strokes on ride cymbal or hi-hat, because many of today's drummers are too lazy and they are playing just simple, straight 1/1. Also, Txamo, great double-bass work and fills. Asis on the other side, who plays bass, maintains the solid , ground shaking low-end and deserves mentioning, because I really enjoyed his bass fills, which are top-notch. Dalay's lyrics are (for me) world of it's own. Say whatever you want, but I found his lyrics really impressive. I'm not much of a lyrics guy, but he knows, how to mess with words. Take this example: "Anchored to a state... ...of exsistential stagnation... ...Liberty shut in a strong box... ...it's time to enter the code!" My favorite part. The lyrics are combining well with Javi's rhythm guitar chugging and riffing. Although, I would like to hear more of that traditional Sweedish riffage, but that it's just a personal taste. Nevermind guys, you are doing great. Overall production is great, which is (from info, I gathered on internet) Ettore Rigotti's (Disarmonia Mundi) "fault". That good Clayman sound, combined with some of (perhaps) IF's Reroute To Remain or Soilwork's Figure Number Five albums, was re-created very well and I wish, that more newcomer bands would take RTF's steps and invest some €€€€ or $$$$ into production and overall sound. It just might take global metal scene up a bit. :) Dunno, maybe it is just me, but I like polished sound and production. What can I say more? Oh yeah, a piece of advice. For all "true old-school" metalheads -> skip this album, so you wont have any headaches and stupid complaints. To the rest, give RISE TO FALL a chance. These guys deserve that. I am sure they have really bright future up ahead. 10/10 Samo Mrak/jzacrew.com
Thanks for the review man! Thank your for your words and support...i hope u will like our new album, we are finishing the composition of our 3rd album, we are working with Alessio por keys again and will be more swedish riffs....we like a lot! and i hope u too...
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