Prvi intervjuji, ki so nastali v sodelovanju z Gorizia Hardcore so ONLINE!
To sodelovanje ni namenjeno le objavi intervjujev, recenzij in ostalih glasbenih novic ampak je tudi korak k (ponovnem) podiranju mej v glavah ljudeh, mej ki se na žalost v zadnjih časih zopet pojavljajo. Je tudi dokaz, da nas glasba združuje in da le skupaj lahko dosežemo nekaj več! Questa cooperazione non è solo per la pubblicazione di interviste, recensioni e notizie sul mondo della musica, ma è anche un passo verso il (ri) abbattimento dei confini nella mente delle persone, i confini che purtroppo, negli ultimi tempi si ripetano. Evidenziando che la musica ci unisce e che solo insieme possiamo ottenere di più! FUCK THE BORDERS - UNITED & STRONG! "Sitting in a tour bus with a hellish hangover and a bunch of guys isn't so attractive for most girls, maybe..."
For all of you who like to explore music and are always searching for something new, be it new or old, underground or with legends status applied, I decided to launch a new column called "JZACrew MIXTAPE(s)". I know we are in digital age now but it's still feels good to flashback and remember those times spending making mixtapes and mix CDs. Expect to see a variety of genres, sometimes more aggressive and loud other times more light and easy. I hope you’ll enjoy the music and that you will discover something new for your music collection! You can also leave your recommendations or your own mixtapes in the comments below!
Jaka Čurlič aka JC aka J.Č. "Playing a show that had a zero drinking policy and doing a alcohol breath test before we played. No body passed... Haha." Questions by: Jasmina Lozar & Jaka Čurlič
Answers by: Deez Nuts " some point I tried with my hands and found that the shorts had ripped all the way from my balls up back to my belt, haha :) . Well nothing to do, just had to continue the show, but I didn´t turn my back towards the crowd after that...."
In cooperation with
GORIZIA HARDCORE we are bringing you interviews, reviews, band presentations and everything in between connected with punk & hardcore world! Archives
May 2016