Some more photos from OUT OF STEP! festival have just been added to the album, check them out, drop a comment and share! :)
Festival OUT OF STEP!, ki ga prirejamo v sodelovanju s KC Mostovna se vztrajno približuje. Samo še dva dneva nas ločita do hardcore/punk norišnice s skupinami LEFT IN RUINS, Human Host Body, Sentence, WOLF HUNT, Intrigue in MISERY FOR A LIVING! Za vse ki nas spremljate tudi na Facebook-u pa smo pripravili nagradno igro v kateri lahko osvojite brezplačno vstopnico za festival! !!! NAGRADNA IGRA || WIN 2 FREE TICKETS !!!
► Vsi, ki boste delili dogodek (FB event) na svojem zidu in se označili/komentirali pod objavo v dogodku, boste sodelovali v žrebanju za 2 brezplačni vstopnici za OUT OF STEP! festival! Nagradna igra traja do četrtka zvečer ko bomo izžrebali srečna zmagovalca! ► Share the event on your Facebook wall and tag yourself/post comment in the "Win 2 free tickets" post and get your chance to win a free ticket for OUT OF STEP! festival! We will randomly select two lucky winners this Thursday evening! OUT OF STEP!
HC/Punk fest - 13.06.2014 @ KC Mostovna, Nova Gorica! Predstavljamo še zadnji potrjeni band, ki bo dopolnil "OUT OF STEP!" line up! WOLF HUNT so še eni predstavniki Venezia Hardcore scene, ki bodo s svojo mešanico hardkora, punka in metala poskrbeli za razgibano vzdušje pod odrom! The last band that will conclude the line up for the "OUT OF STEP!" fest is Wolf Hunt, representing the Venezia Hardcore scene! With their blend of hardcore, punk and metal they will make sure that there is some action going on under the stage! BANDCAMP (FREE DWNLD!) Full line up: ► HUMAN HOST BODY (Crust/Metal/D-beat - SLO) (FREE DWNLD!) ► SENTENCE (Hardcore/Punk - CRO) (FREE DWNLD!) ► LEFT IN RUINS (Raw punk/hardcore - ITA) (FREE DWNLD!) ► WOLF HUNT (Hardcore/Punk/Metal - ITA) (FREE DWNLD!) ► INTRIGUE (Female fronted raw Punk - CRO) (FREE DWNLD!) ► MISERY FOR A LIVING (Hardcore - ITA) (FREE DWNLD!) You can get more Info about the festival here and here! OUT OF STEP!
HC/Punk fest - 13.06.2014 @ KC Mostovna, Nova Gorica! Kot obljubljeno objavljamo nove potrjene dve ampak kar tri! As promised we are announcing new bands...not two, but three! ◆ Human Host Body (Crust/Metal/D-beat - SLO) Uničujoči crust/metal/d-beat stroj iz Istre, ki že vrsto let navdušuje vse ljubitelje nasilne glasbe. Decembra lani so izdali odličen nov 4-track demo, katerega lahko brezplačno prenesete na njihovi Bandcampi strani! Crust/metal/d-beat machine from Slovenia which will blow your brains out with their sonic assault on your ears! They have a fresh 4-track demo out, if you love violent music with shotguns for drums this is it! BANDCAMP (FREE DWNLD!) ◆ Sentence (Hardcore/Punk - CRO) Hiter, glasen in preprost hardcore/punk v stilu bendov Battery, Chain of strenght, Judge itd.. Band prihaja iz Zagreba in je januarja izdal istoimenski audio prvenec, ki ga bodo predstavili tudi na Mostovni! V skupini delujejo člani in članice, ki so svojo odrsko kilometrino nabirali (nabirajo) tudi v bandih Ponor, Amok, TDWB itd.. Fast, loud, simple and honest hardcore/punk in the vain of Battery, Chain of strength, Judge etc. from Zagreb, Croatia. In January 2014 they have released their first self titled full length, which they will present also at Mostovna. Some of their member also play or used to play in bands Ponor, Amok, TDWB etc.. BANDCAMP (FREE DWNLD!) ◆ Intrigue (Female fronted raw Punk - CRO) Raw punk/hardcore band z agresivnim ženskim vokalom iz Zagreba, katerega sestavljajo bivši in trenutni člani bendov In-Sane, Dying In This Place in Dispro! Njihovi komadi so kratki in hitri, njihova besedila pa nabita z (anti) političnimi, socialno kritičnimi in anti religijskimi tematikami! Female fronted raw punk/hardcore band from Zagreb, Croatia which consist of members that play or used to play in bands In-Sane, Dying In This Place in Dispro! Their songs are fast and short, their lyrics are charged with anti political, anti religion messages and social criticism! BANDCAMP (FREE DWNLD!) You can get more Info about the festival here and here! ► Razkrivamo prvi dve potrjeni skupini za OUT OF STEP! hardcore & punk festival, ki se bo odvil 13.06.2014 v KC Mostovna v Novi Gorici!
► As promised we have published the names of first two confirmed bands that will play on OUT OF STEP! hardcore & punk festival that will take place on 13.06.2014 at KC Mostovna, Nova Gorica! ◆ LEFT IN RUINS (Raw punk/hardcore - ITA) ● Hiter, brezkompromisen in surov punk/hardcore iz Italije! ● Fast,uncompromising and raw punk/hardcore from Italy! Bandcamp! (FREE DWNLD!) ◆ MISERY FOR A LIVING (Old skool hardcore - ITA) ● Svež hardcore band iz sosednje Gorice katerega sestavljajo sami poznani člani goriške HC scene iz skupin Blame It On The Ocean, IVAN!,The Guilt Show itd.! Stavijo na preverjeno in preprosto formulo starega hardkora in so pravkar izdal prvi audio izdelek! ● Fresh hardcore band from Gorizia, Italy formed by established members from Gorizia hardcore scene that play (or used to play) in Blame It On The Ocean, IVAN!,The Guilt Show etc.! Their passion is old skool hardcore and they just released the first demo! Bandcamp! (FREE DWNLD!) OUT OF STEP! - 13.06.2014 @ KC Mostovna, Nova Gorica!
► Z željo da hardcore in punk glasbo vrnemo nazaj med poletne aktivnosti v Novi Gorici smo se odločili zasnovati nov eno dnevni festival "OUT OF STEP!"! Več informacij in prve potrjene skupine bomo razkrili ta vikend! Med tem časom delite objavo tudi z vašimi fb prijatelji! Hardcore still lives! ► With desire to bring back hardcore and punk music to Nova Gorica during the summer time we decided to launch new mini festival "OUT OF STEP!"! We will reveal more info and first confirmed bands this weekend so stay tuned for more and share the news with your friends! Hardcore still lives! |
One man D.I.Y. multimedia machine kicking it with help of friends since 2008!
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